Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have registered for one of our courses but haven’t received an email, try the following:
  1. Search for the email using your email search bar.
  2. Check your junk mail or SPAM folder. The email may have been sent automatically to these folders.
  3. Check to see if your inbox is full. If it is full, you won’t be able to receive emails until you make space.
  4. Make sure you clicked the “CONTINUE” button to finalize your payment (see images below). You must click continue for an email to be sent.
    If you didn’t click continue: you will receive an enrolment email when your payment is reviewed. If you submitted your enrollment at the weekend or on a public holiday you will receive an email the following working day.
    • Correct online payment: thumbs up with green background
    • Incorrect online payment: thumbs down with gray background
    Pantalla OK y KO Banco

In most cases, you will receive a confirmation email with your Student Zone login information once you have completed your course registration and online payment.
Zona Alumnos - Student Zone
User (email): email that you registered with
Password: ********

If you have chosen to pay via bank transfer, you will be sent an email with your login information once the payment is confirmed.

In the Student Zone you can view:

  • Your classroom location (on the home screen and in the menu option "Classrooms".)
  • Your digital book licence if you are an AULAS student (on the home screen)
  • Your student ID card if you are studying Spanish (on the home screen)
  • Your courses (grades and diploma)
  • Your activities (list of sociocultural activities that you are registered for)
  • Your online tests (if you used the same email as the one with the Student Zone)
  • Your teachers’ office hours
  • Other helpful websites
  • News about open registrations for courses, exams and activities
  • The calendar with the timetable of your classes
  • If you are registered on the MOODLE platform, you will see the access on the home screen

You will also be able to register for the following (without having to fill out your personal information again):

  • Initial courses, repeat and continuation of AULAS courses and exam preparation workshops
  • Official exams: Cambridge y Oxford
  • Activities: from here you can sign up for various activities with one payment

A few days before the start of the course, you will receive an email with your login information.
Email Subject: “Register in Moodle CSIdiomas”
The email will include:
Username: first name. last name
Password: ********
Approximately one week after completing the course, you will no longer have access to it. - CSIdiomas Moodle URL, which will also be included in the email. The link will take you to the login screen where you can login with the provided username and password. Simply copy and paste the password..

The correct Moodle website will have the Centro Superior de Idiomas logo, if your screen does not show the logo then it is not the correct Moodle website. Your screen should look like the image below:
Pantalla Login Moodle

Here you will find material and exercises to complement the course that you are doing.

You can also communicate with your classmates and teachers using the chat feature.

Reminder: You will only have access to the platform and materials while taking the course. Approximately one week after completion, you will be removed from the course page.


Centro Superior de Idiomas. Edificio Germán Bernácer.
Universidad de Alicante.
03690 · San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante).


Monday to Friday: 9:00 to 14:00 hrs.
Thusday: 16:00 to 18:00 hrs.
July, August and non-teaching periods: 9:00 to 14:00 hrs.